Task 3. Complete with some, any-, ne every- 1. It was really dark and I couldn't see 2 Does live in that house? 3. This is boring There's to do 4. Would you lilce to cat? 5. I'm looleing for my book I can't find it
I do not think that the world in 100 years will be very different from today. Work at least not as much as today's world is different from the world in 1908. No flying of flyers is not likely to appear. The ride will be the same on the four-wheel drive cars. Only the work they will no longer be on refining products. Well, the public will be better trasnport, magnetic levitation train, and so on. One thing is certain, it will be a world without oil, gas, coal and uranium. All fossil fuels will be exhausted during the 21st century. And like it or not the world will have to change. The main problem is the energy future of the world. In thermonuclear hope silly, thermonuclear energy, even if such reactors will be designed to be much more expensive than energy from coal, for example. What is more, and what is not? Different languages and races are not going anywhere. There are black and white, yellow and blue =) Politically, the world is unlikely to become uniform. Different countries and will continue to exist. Economically, except that only planet rally. But this is now happening. For the world has changed radically, it has become completely one, it is necessary that occurred dramatic events. World War II, a meeting with extraterrestrial intelligence, asteroid =) I think without the skyscrapers, with a lot of forests and animals, with clean oceans, seas, lakes ... Without borders and states, the free human society ... A surprising number of creative people who freely communicate with each other and develop! Money is only the form of electronic cards and then if any will be needed! I think that people will learn to communicate without the help of improvised means, but by the mind, the subconscious !! ! There will be no machines running on oil resources, all kinds of energy resources will go to solar, wind and I think it will open some other source of energy which is now very few people know ... There will be no family, just be people or groups of people who like to live together, and the children will educate all children and this will only be wiser and smarter ... This I want to see planet Earth in 100 years ...
My best friend is white and brown, He barks to get up, he barks to get down. His tongue is long and very pink, It hangs out when he wants a drink.
My best friend sleeps on my bed. He pants and growls and licks my head. Mum gets angry when he leaves hairs, On my pillow and on the stairs.
My Best friend cannot talk, But he loves his daily walk, He sniffs at trees and grass and slugs, He chases butterflies and bugs
My best friend has a wet nose, He hates being washed with the hose, Daddy chases him round the place, Me and Mum laugh at his face. My best friend is not a cat, He is not a horse, and he’s not a rat, He is not a bird and not a frog, My best friend is my dog!
A Little Squirrel
There was a little squirrel. He ran up a tree. When he turned around He threw a nut at me
Work at least not as much as today's world is different from the world in 1908.
No flying of flyers is not likely to appear.
The ride will be the same on the four-wheel drive cars. Only the work they will no longer be on refining products.
Well, the public will be better trasnport, magnetic levitation train, and so on.
One thing is certain, it will be a world without oil, gas, coal and uranium.
All fossil fuels will be exhausted during the 21st century.
And like it or not the world will have to change.
The main problem is the energy future of the world. In thermonuclear hope silly, thermonuclear energy, even if such reactors will be designed to be much more expensive than energy from coal, for example.
What is more, and what is not?
Different languages and races are not going anywhere. There are black and white, yellow and blue =)
Politically, the world is unlikely to become uniform. Different countries and will continue to exist. Economically, except that only planet rally. But this is now happening.
For the world has changed radically, it has become completely one, it is necessary that occurred dramatic events.
World War II, a meeting with extraterrestrial intelligence, asteroid =)
I think without the skyscrapers, with a lot of forests and animals, with clean oceans, seas, lakes ... Without borders and states, the free human society ... A surprising number of creative people who freely communicate with each other and develop! Money is only the form of electronic cards and then if any will be needed! I think that people will learn to communicate without the help of improvised means, but by the mind, the subconscious !! ! There will be no machines running on oil resources, all kinds of energy resources will go to solar, wind and I think it will open some other source of energy which is now very few people know ... There will be no family, just be people or groups of people who like to live together, and the children will educate all children and this will only be wiser and smarter ... This I want to see planet Earth in 100 years ...