I'd like to describe picture number 3. Girl in this picture read book in leabrary
С переводом уж сами
1. I help her about the house.
2. Tell me your telephone number.
3. Wait for them, please.
4. This is my car. You may use (it).
5. Robert wants to see us.
5. Поставьте подчёркнутые существительные в форму множественного числа, произведите необходимые изменения и переведите предложения:
1. What did the thiefs look like?
2. Those men are dog-handlers.
3. When do your children go to bed?
4. They have a babies.
5. The suspect carried a knifes.
6. Употребите вместо точек оборот “There is / There are” и переведите предложения:
1. … … There are 12 people in a jury.
2. … … Ther is a sofa and two chairs in the room.
3. … … Are there any cars in the yard?
4. … … Is there much snow in the forest.
5. … … There is little milk in the cup.
7. Употребите нужную форму глагола и переведите предложения:
1. They work very hard yesterday. Вчера они пахали очень усердно.
2. We go to the institute every morning. Мы таскаемся каждый день в инсту.
3. He often visits his parents. Он часто посещает родаков
4. Tomorrow they will buy a computer. Завтра они купят компухтер
5. Ann had written her first book three years ago. Аня написала свою первую книга 3 года назад.
8. Поставьте предложения в отрицательную форму и переведите их:
1. Jack will not study German.
2. He didnt get up early yesterday.
3. They dont listen to the music every evening.
4. She doesnt go to the university.
5. We didnt went to the circus last week.
9. Задайте вопросы к предложениям и переведите их:
1. Where does he lives in Ufa (Where …?)
Где он живёт в Уфе?
2. When will They play football tomorrow. (When …?)
3. Was His father an operative. (Was …?)
4. Did He get up at 6 a.m. (Did …?)
5. How many has he got a lot of books. (How many …?)
The book is a source of knowledge and interests.You can find a lot, learn and ask, for example, one of the famous book is Harry Potter, author J. K. Rowling.This book is simply fascinating and the most interesting I have ever read.This is a science fiction book.It tells how Harry learns that he is a wizard, meets close friends and many enemies at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and with the help of his friends stops the attempt to return the evil wizard Lord Voldemort, who killed Harry's parents.It is read by millions, so if you have not read it, then I advise you to read it.
Закон войны (в древних источниках обычай войны, англ. law of war) — юридический термин, означающий те законы международного права, которые описывают право на ведение войны (jus ad bellum) и нормы поведения во время боевых действий (jus in bello). Уголовная ответственность за нарушение этих законов распространяется не только на международный (государственный) уровень, но и на отдельных лиц. Нарушение военного положения называется военным преступлением.