It is impossible in the 21st century with a ruler and a pointer to the child to gain a competitive education. When I saw his first computer at age 15, odinadtsatiklassniki saw him five, then have my children, a new generation has seen it in 5 months. We understand that children today requires other new approaches. Our children - no matter where they were born in the Red Ray should receive one foundationReform the education system is definitely necessary. The first - a teachers' salaries, the second - a logistical base in schools. And the third is, of course, the prestige of the teaching profession. Today, almost all retired teachers - because such a tiny pension that they have to work to somehow feed themselves. And young people do not see the prestige, does not go and does not give the case. And the human factor in education - it is huge.
In the UK, children start school at the age of five. First, they are stady in schools for children from 5 to 7 years. In these schools learn to draw with colour pencils and paints. Children molded from plasticine and working with paper and glue. Later, they begin to learn the alphabet, to read, write and count. At the age of seven English pupils are in primary school. They study many subjects: English and mathematics, history and music, local history and drawing, needlework, French and Latin. . The first lesson usually begins at 9 o'clock. They have three lessons with short change on 10 minutes between them, and then an hour break for diner. Elementary School ends at the age of eleven, when students pass the exam "11+", and then start high school. A sixteen students pass their final exams.