Residents of the fabulous town of Ktograd love to celebrate Christmas. But there is one who hates this holiday-the green creature Grinch. He lives on a high mountain all alone, holding a grudge against the residents of the town. Since childhood, peers scoffed at the unusual appearance of the Grinch. Every year the Christmas fun and joy of the inhabitants of Ktograd caused the green hermit irritation and anger. And one day the Grinch decided to carry out an insidious plan — to steal from the townspeople their favorite holiday...
Подробнее – на Otvet.Ws –
1) When will she go to school?
Who will go to school next year?
2) Who will come to us next week?
When will they come to us?
3) Who will see his girlfriend in the movie?
Where will she see her friend?
4) When will she have Breakfast earlier than usual?
Why would she have Breakfast earlier than usual tomorrow?
5) When will it snow?
6) Who will go to London next month?
When will their group go to London?
Where will their group go next month?
7) Who will help them pass the exam?
Who will Ron help prepare for the exam?
What would Ron help her with?
Я изучал английский вчера.
2. Did you come to my place yesterday?
Ты приходил вчера на моё место?
3. He lived in Dubai 5 years ago.
Он жил в Дубае 5 лет назад.
4. How long did it take you to get to the city mall?
Сколько у тебя занимало добраться до молла?
5. What did you study every Friday?
Что ты изучал каждую пятницу?
6. We had dinner with my family yesterday.
Вчера мы с моей семьей ужинали.
7. His computer wasn't ready yesterday.
Его компьютер не был готов вчера.
8. My friend liked running in the park last morning.
Моему другу вчера понравилось бегать в парке.
9. Their family invited everybody to the party last week.
Их семья пригласила на вечеринку всех на неделе.
10. Jesse didn't drive to work early last night.
Джесс не приехала рано на работу ночью(?).