ответ:And I live in Kiev. 2. I don't study German, I study English with you translate English texts at home 4.we don't speak Russian. 5.Do you write dictations every day? 6 every morning they come to the office. 7.many of my friends live in the city center. 8.he's not a worker. He is a schener of 9 wines . Holte there for classes? Q 1. Where do you work? - I work for zavr do your sons study English or French? 3.When do you speak English? - Tonight. 4. What do you read in every market - Me or melt newspapers 5. Where do they go every night? 6. Do you have a lot of exercises in class? - No. 7.they speak English like this 8. Do your sisters live in Moscow? - No. 9. What language do your friends learn? 10. what language do you usually speak in class
Меня зовут Кевин. Мне почти шестнадцать лет, и я увлекаюсь путешествиями. Я еще был не во многих местах, но я читал и смотрел много телепрограмм о путешествиях в экзотические страны. Недавно, я читал о России и мне кажется, что это фантастическое место! И моя сестра Кейт (её четырнадцать) и я собираемся поехать в Россию на ближайших каникулах и насладиться пребыванием там. Я буду очень признателен, если вы дадите мне несколько советов о местах, которые стоит посетить.
Некоторые сведения о себе:
Я спортивный человек, хорошо плаваю, езжу на велосипеде и занимаюсь верховой ездой
1. “I am planning to go to Kenya,” Sally said. - Sally said that she was planning to go to Kenya.
2. “I take my little sister to school every day,” little Anthony said. - Little Anthony said that he took his little sister to school every day.
3. “You may take my textbook,” Nonna said. - Nonna said that I might take her textbook.
4. “They are playing in the gym now,” Nick said. - Nick said that they were playing in the gym at that moment.
5. “I don’t like chocolate,” Mary said. - Mary said that she did not like chocolate.
6. “My sister is ready to go” Helen said. - Helen said that her sister was ready to go.
7. “My mother usually goes shopping on Saturday,” the girl said. - The girl said that her mother usually went shopping on Saturday.
8. “The birds build their nests among the trees,” the teacher said. - The teacher said that the birds built their nests among the trees.
9. “I am not married,” Jimmy said. - Jimmy said that he was not married.
10 “I can't read these books. I don’t like them,” Petra said. - Petra said that she couldn't read those books because she didn't like them.