When summer came, my mom asked me where I wanted to go. Of course, you can go to sports camp. There would be I every day play sports. 'd got acquainted with new friends got a lot of new experiences. And what interesting excursions, fun hikes, sports and games are at camp!
And, you can go to the village to the grandfather. Well the summer village. Fresh vegetables straight from the vegetable beds. Berries and fruits - plenty. You can go with the girls on . Sunbathing, swimming. And if you go into the woods, will definitely be back with baskets full of mushrooms, nuts, berries.
The village is well! But the sea is better! What could be better than the boundless blue sea, high waves with white "sheep"! It will be exciting when the sea wave lifts you up and carries into the sea. And unusual marine tan?! Healthful sea air! Sea water is also therapeutic. Only the sea, you can see crabs, jellyfish, huge shells of mollusks. And boating?! Only here you can see the huge boats and ships. Only here you can meet real sailors vests to bashirah. Here you can see the captain in a white tunic with a real dagger in the side. Resolved - go to the sea!
Коли настало літо, мама запитала, куди б я хотіла поїхати. Звичайно, можна поїхати в спортивний табір. Там би я щодня займалася спортом. Познайомилась би б з новими друзями Отримала б багато нових вражень. А які цікаві екскурсії, веселі турпоходи, спортивні ігри бувають у таборі! А ще можна поїхати в село до дідуся. Добре влітку в селі. Свіжі овочі прямо з городньої грядки. Ягоди і фрукти - всього досхочу. Можна піти з дівчатами на річку. Позасмагати, поплавати. А вже якщо підемо в ліс, обов'язково повернемося з кошиками, повними грибів, горіхів, ягід. У селі добре! А на море - краще! Що може бути прекрасніше безмежного синього моря, його високих хвиль з білими «баранчиками»! Дух захоплює, коли морська хвиля піднімає тебе і несе в море. А незвичайний морський загар?! Цілюще морське повітря! Морська вода теж лікувальна. Тільки на море можна побачити крабів, медуз, величезних черепашок-рапанів. А прогулянки на катері?! Тільки тут можна побачити величезні пароплави і кораблі. Тільки тут можна зустріти справжніх матросів в смугастих футболках до безкозирках. Тут можна побачити капітана в білому кітелі з справжнім кортиком на боці. Вирішено - їдемо до моря!
It won’t be an exaggeration to say that English is the most important language in the world. Nearly half of the world population speaks English. Some of the largest countries in the world are English-speaking. Among them the USA, Canada, Australia and Great Britain. By its origin English belongs to Germanic languages of the Indo-European family. Millions of people in the world use English as their native language, and millions use it as a second language. Almost all countries in the world have an English language subject at schools and universities. English has become an international language due to its significance in many areas, such as industry, business, finance, agriculture, and else. However, the most important use of English is in computer and Internet language. Many English words are derived from other languages, such as Latin, French, Spanish, Japanese, Russian and several others. For example, the words “family, number, school” come from Latin, the words “royal, menu, hotel” come from French, the word “siesta” is of Spanish origin, the word “judo” is Japanese, the words “tsar, borscht” are Russian. There are also some new words, connected with innovative technology. For example,” Internet, e-mail, text message, modern” and others. Learning English has many advantages. Firstly, it’s good to know at least one foreign language. Secondly, the English language is rather comprehensive and melodic. And, finally, it gives an opportunity to travel and communicate with people of different nationalities, and be surely understood.
they went by car to the village