My name is Alexander. I’m at 7th grade. There is a subject in our school, where we study Russian culture and way of life. We have been told about Russian cuisine and national dishes recently. Firstly Russian cuisine is famous for its first courses – different soups. It turns out that cabbage soup is Russian national soup. The soups are served with baked goods – rasstegais. Russian cuisine is also famous for pancakes, rolls and patties with different fillings. Secondly mushroom dishes have a special place in Russian cuisine. There is a tradition to boil, dry, pickle and even marinate the mushrooms. Since long ago there is a tradition to boil the kvass and now it’s considered a national beverage of Russian cuisine. Compotes, kissels and fruit drinks are also well-known among beverages. In Russian cuisine jam and honey are served for dessert. Oven baked apples are the best dessert. Thirdly Russian porridges are the most delicious and healthy. Every day before going to school I eat porridge. My grandmother says that porridge gives strength that’s why Russian men are so strong. I’m very glad that my homeland is famous for such delicious dishes.
Ronald Frank is a managing director of the First Bank of Kingsville on Main Street. He is always on a business trip. Yesterday he was in Geneva. Tomorrow he will be in London. Last week he was in Chicago. Next week he .will be in New Orleans. At the moment he Amsterdam. In two hours he will be in the Hague. Three days ago he was in Paris. At the end of his trip he .is.. usually very tired but happy. He is. with his family now. His sons are so much excited. They have got new toys from their father. Everybody in the family is.very glad to see him at home again.
We are not going to play football tomorrow.