Thank you for your recent email! It was great to hear from you again. I hope you are OK!
Let me help you with your problems. Well, it's a difficult situation, so you should be careful. You can try to come to her and talk clearly. He will understand you if she can read-lip. Maybe she can't read-lip, then you can use another method - sign language. I think, she knows it and you will able interact with her. But it will take some time to learn this language. By the way, don't ask lots of questions about deafness. It can dissapoint her. Try to be very polite. I'm sure you'll hit it off!
А дальше можешь тоже самое написать, как в письме, которое ты прикрепила. То есть "Oh, by the way, I've got some good news. " И т. д..
друзей много – шире дорога. где нет дружбы, там нет успеха. дерево крепко корнями, человек – друзьями. малую беду еда подавляет, большую – друг. цену куска хлеба в голод узнаешь, цену настоящей дружбы азбука — к мудрости ступенька. век живи — век учись без муки нет науки.книга — книгой, а своим умом двигай чтенье — лучшее ученье человек без родины – что соловей без песни.родина - мать, умей за нее постоять. своя земля и в горсти мила.на родной стороне и камешек знаком. лупа та птица, которой свое гнездо не мило.
Hi Angelo,
Thank you for your recent email! It was great to hear from you again. I hope you are OK!
Let me help you with your problems. Well, it's a difficult situation, so you should be careful. You can try to come to her and talk clearly. He will understand you if she can read-lip. Maybe she can't read-lip, then you can use another method - sign language. I think, she knows it and you will able interact with her. But it will take some time to learn this language. By the way, don't ask lots of questions about deafness. It can dissapoint her. Try to be very polite. I'm sure you'll hit it off!
А дальше можешь тоже самое написать, как в письме, которое ты прикрепила. То есть "Oh, by the way, I've got some good news. " И т. д..