1) We will probably come early. 2) She has to bring the test. 3) The boy was able play the computer since 5. 1) When we came the lecture had started. 2) She said that she did not like that film. 1) Когда мы пришли лекция уже началась. 2) Она сказала, что ей не нравится этот фильм. The teacher wanted them to be attentive at the lesson. If I (see) you tomorrow, I (will know) the results of the test. If I ( saw) you today, I (would know) the results of the test. If I (had see) you yesterday, I (would have known) the results of the test.
1. He wasn't able to explain anything. 2. You aren't allowed to stay here. 2 задание3. Are you able to read? 4. You are allowed to take these books. 5. They are able to run quickly. 6. She was allowed to work in our room. 7. Who is able to read this text? 8. They have to go there tomorrow. 9. Could I go to the cinema? 10. We have to meet at 7 o'clock.Мы должны оставаться дома.Ему разрешили взять эту книгу.Кто сможет сделать эту работу?Он должен был уехать в Москву раньше. 1 заданиеМы должны сдать экзамены в июне.Им разрешают тебя навестить?Они могли (были в состоянии) сделать эту работу в срок.Я смогу сдать экзамены.Ей будет позволено смотреть телевизор.Я должен прийти вовремя.Поезд скоро придет(прибудет )Сможете ли вы водить машину?
She is reading a book
She is swimming
They are speaking English
I am eating an apple
Ed and Nina are dancing
Joe is watching TV
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