1) He swims erery sunday – Общий
Does he swim every day?
2) She translated the text last week - Специальный
When did she translate the text? – She translated the text last week
What did she do last week? – She translated the text.
What did she translate last week? – She translated the text
3) They are reading (the? an?) article now - Альтернативный
Are they reading an article or a book now?
4) He has broken his car - С хвостиком
He has broken the car, hasn’t he?
5) You have been studying English for 2 years - К подлежащему
Who has been studying English for 2 years?
began. I felt happy and began - PP
I was dreaming - PC
I always wanted - PS
The water was very warm - PS
What I liked there – PS
There was nothing to do – PS
I was playing with my little sister - PC
Later I returned to Kherson and spent – PS
After that I went - PS to the sports camp where I spent seven days. - PS
It was very useful - PS
But it made me stronger and healthier. - PS
I was very happy to return home and I spent several days in my summer cottage, I helped my grandpa to dig the garden, to water plants, and to gather fruit and vegetables – PS
. I was fishing with my grandpa and we were cooking fish together.- PC
Only insects were spoiling my good mood. – PC
I enjoyed floating by boat, swimming in the river and helping my grandparents. - PS
During my summer holidays I made many new friends, read a lot of interesting books, got to know a lot of useful things. – PS
1 them
2 him
3 her
4 me
5 it
6 you