I love to love to read books. I especially like Chekhov and his story about Kashtanka. And the story "Vanka," I really liked. Stories Chekhov me very exciting, it seems that it really was! Even at home I have a book, "Myths of Ancient Greece" is also my favorite book! Ancient Greek myths are very interesting, especially Homer's poem "The Odyssey" and "Iliad". In the poem, the Iliad describes the last year of the Trojan War. In general, reading is my hobby, I always manage to find at least 5 minutes to read a little.
1. Is he really sleeping for four hours? Maybe he did not sleep tonight. 2. How do you think, where could he go? He could go tho the shop or to his friend. 3. I thought that he is waiting for me, but he is gone. 4. If it is not rain, we could already be in a town. 5. Maybe, he called you when you were not at home. No, he could not call in morning today. He knew that I was not here. He might call in the evening. 6. You could say in time that you will not come. 7. Maybe he did not find the adress, so he have not write yet. 8. Whait for me if I will not be here at 7 o`clock. I can be late for some minutes. 9. Maybe you did not want to hurt him but you really did it. Maybe he undersood you wrong. Возможно есть ошибки в постановке слов и знаков препинания.