I saw a stray cat on the street. She was gray, emaciated, and ragged. I felt sorry for her. And we walked with my girlfriend. She suggested pulling out an old box into the porch and putting food there, a blanket and pouring milk into a bowl. When we left, the cat eagerly pounced on food and milk, and then sweetly fell asleep on the bedspread. We washed it and took it to us. I called her Murka.
Я видела на улице бездомную кошку. Она была серая, истощенная и ободранная шерстка. Мне стало её жаль. А мы гуляли с моей подругой. Она предложила вытащить в подъезд старую коробку и положить туда еды, покрывало и налить молочка в миску. Когда мы отошли, кошка жадно набросилась на еду и молоко, а потом сладко уснула на покрывале. Мы её отмыли и взяли к себе. Я назвала её Мурка.
The Way back home is an adventure film. The main actors are : Bryce Dallas, Howard and Ashley Judd. Plot of the film : during the walk, Lucas finds a poor puppy and takes him to home. The puppy was given the name Bella. It made a mess in the rooms, but still with his appearance at home it because joyful and funny. Bellа grew up and loved to help people. Once it had chased a squirrel, the dog was lost. Lucas found it, but Bella was taken to a shelter. I like this film because it's funny and catchy.