Florida(0) has a lot of wildlife. A lot of animals (1) are found) in and around Florida. Some animals (2) are protected. Special care (3) is taken of the manatee, bald eagle, sea turtle, and porpoise. The manatee is a large sea animal. It isn't afraid of people and often (4) plays with swimmers. Bald eagles (5) like the Florida climate, but when people (6) build more houses, eagles (7) have fewer places to build their homes. The Miami Audubon Society (8) takes care of eagles if they (9) are hurt. Sea turtles (10) have a special place on Hutchinson Island, where their babies can grow. Babies (11) are protected until they can swim out to sea. Porpoises (12) get caught into large fishing nets. These fishlike animals (13) are found in the wild, but they also (14) do tricks in shows around the world. They (15) are used in many projects. Porpoises are playful animals, people can ride on their backs.
1. When travelling (Participle I, обстоятельство) round the USA we can visit the largest and the most beautiful cities: New York, Los Angeles, Chicago and others. Путешествуя по США, мы сможем побывать на крупнейших и красивейших городах: Нью-Йорке, Лос-Анджелесе, Чикаго и других.
2. The Cordillera and the Rocky Mountains are well known (Participle II, определение) mountains of the North American continent. Кордильеры и скалистые горы хорошо известные горы североамериканского континента.
3. The bridge was broken (Participle II, часть глагольного сказуемого) with the thunder. Мост был разрушен во время грозы (грома).
4. Having lived (Participle I и II, обстоятельство) in New York for many years he knew the city well. Прожив в Нью-Йорке в течение многих лет, он хорошо знал город.
playful animals, people can ride on their backs.