My job gives me a sense of personal satisfaction. It's REWARDING . Вопрос 2
Every day I do the same thing. My job is very MONOTONOUS . Вопрос 3 My new job requires great physical and mental effort. It also requires full use of my abilities. It's very CHALLENGING
Вопрос 4 Before I start to work, I'm nothing but a bundle of nerves. My job is very STRESSFUL . Вопрос 5
My job requires a lot of travel and it really fascinates me. It's GRATIFYING .
Вопрос 6 I work at home and I have control over my work. I don't have to start at 8 o'clock and finish at four o'clock. My job is very FLEXIBLE . I manage my time and nobody controls me.
Вопрос 7
When I worked in France, I picked grapes. My job was very MUNDANE . I had to do everything with my hands.
Вопрос 8
I have to be able to work without guidance and superior authority. My job is very RESPONSIBLE . Вопрос 9
I have to stimulate my imagination all the time and be full of ideas. My job is very CREATIVE . Вопрос 10
I'm not employed on a permanent basis. My job is TEMPORARY
1. There are more than 3-4 thousand languages in the world.
2. We can find many borrowed from English words in Russian, like бренд, дефолт, дисплей, драйвер etc.
3. Yes, I do. English is on popular brands, products and other goods.
4. I don't know why they do, but I think that English is helpful language even for such people.
5. In my school pupils start learn English in first (second) form. (Выбрать под свою школу, первый или второй класс.)
6. I can study English by reading books, watching series in English and surfing the Net.
7. Because linguistic courses don't teach you by specific plan and you can exersize at different language cathegories.