I was so glad to get your letter. I am looking forward to seeing you here. YOu know you are always welcome. As for your questions I would like to offer you some places. Do you like music? We will have a concert next month. The band is awesome. They play classic mixed with rock mostly. Are you up to? In the evening you can walk a little, see the sightseeing because we have a lot. Different museums are here for you to enjoy as well. We usually have quite cold wweather in January. However, this year it seems it will be quite warm. You should bring some warm clothes anyway. It is always useful here. Take a coat and warm trousers. That will be quite enough. Wait! boots! dont forget about them.
1)Darya Domracheva is worthy of respect for the fact that it is a very human champion:Дарья Домрачева достойна уважения за то, что она очень человечная чемпионка. 2)Domracheva took off with her boyfriend author's film:Домрачева сняла с бойфрендом авторский фильм. 3) Не замужем, детей нет.Not married, no children. 4)The elder brother - Nikita V. Domrachev architect.:Старший брат — Никита Владимирович Домрачев, архитектор. 5)the world's first three-time Olympic champion, won all his victories in individual races.первая в мире трёхкратная олимпийская чемпионка, одержавшая все свои победы в личных гонках. 6)she became the first woman in history to be awarded the highest award.она стала первой в истории страны женщиной, удостоенной высшей награды. 7)One of the best biathletes of the world the beginning of the second decade of the XXI century.Одна из сильнейших биатлонисток мира начала второго десятилетия XXI века. 8)she was born on August 3, 1986 in the city of Minsk.Belorussiya:она родился 3 августа 1986 года в городе МИНСКЕ БЕЛОРУСИЯ
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