yes, because some people do not know the rules of proper nutrition. the most important rule is to eat high-quality products and not to eat chips candy nuts cold and carbonated drinks, coffee (you can only drink it after eating), garlic, spices, sweets, bananas, yeast pastries and tomatoes - these products, according to the expert, absolutely can not be eaten on an empty stomach;
Саманидское государство (перс. امارت سامانیان; Amārat-i Sāmāniyān) — государство, существовавшее в Средней Азии в 875—999 годах. Правящей династией были Саманиды. Столица государства — Бухара. Правление Саманидов ознаменовало новый период в истории «Иранского культурного континента», известный под названием «иранское интермеццо»[7], длившийся с IX по XI века и характерной особенностью которого было приход к власти, после 200 летнего арабского господства, коренных ираноязычных династий и возрождение персидского языка и культуры
In our country we have some eating rules, for example:
- you should eat when you are hungry but not before because otherwise it woun't be good for your health.
- you don't have to always eat food in its most natural state as you can boil, fry, roat it.
- you have to limit your sodium and sugar as they are harmful for you and can ruin your health.
- you should eat quality food though it is expensive but very healthy.
- also you should eat more vegetables, preferably raw as they are really good for you.
- finally, you should eat a balanced breakfast. Most people skip it which is not a good idea.
So, I think it is easy to follow these rules but lots of people fail. Stay healthy!
всем привет! поставьте ? корону большое!
good luck to you all dears!