1. The pupils HAVE WRITTEN a dictation.
2. My friend HAS HELPED me to solve a difficult problem.
3. I HAVE LEARNT a poem.
4. She HAS TOLD them an interesting story.
5. Kate HAS SWEPT the floor.
6. The waiter HAS PUT a bottle of lemonade in front of him.
7. I HAVE EATEN my breakfast.
8. We HAVE DRUNK water.
9. He HAS BROUGHT them some meat and vegetables.
10. You HAVE PUT the dishes on the table.
11. They HAVE HAD tea.
12. She HAS TAKEN the dirty plates from the table.
13. The children HAVE PUT on their coats.
14. Susan HAS MADE a new dress for her birthday party.
15. She HAS OPENED a box of chocolates.
16. I HAVE BOUGHT milk for milk shakes.
17. James HAS ORDERED a bottle of apple juice.
18. We HAVE LOOKED for more CDs with good music.
1) We were playing chess the all evening. Мы играли в шахматы весь вечер.
2) My sister was drinking tea while I was doing home work. Моя сестра пила чай, тогда как я делал домашку.
3) Grandma was watching TV when I came home. Бабушка смотрела телек, когда я пришёл домой.
4) The teacher was writing words on the blackboard when Anton entered the classroom. Учитель писал слова на доске, когда Антон вошёл в класс.
5) Dad was sleeping on the sofa, mum was cooking the dinner while I was listening to music. Папа спал на диване, мама готовила, в то время как я слушал музыку.
6) The cat was sitting on the table when Alex opened the door. Кот сидел на столе, когда Алекс открыл дверь.
7) Sandra was washing the floor at 8 am yesterday. Вчера Сандра мыла пол в 8 часов.
8) Kate was playing the piano while her brother was playing with toys. Кейт играла на фортепьяно, тогда как ее брат играл с игрушками.