I will play chess tomorrow.
2. I will not (won't) play chess tomorrow.
3. Will you play chess tomorrow?
4. He plays chess every day.
5. He does not (doesn't) play chess every day.
6. Does he play chess every day?
7. They are playing chess now.
8. The are not (aren't) playing chess now.
9. Are they playing chess now?
10. Nick is going to the park now.
11. Nick goes to school every day.
12. Nick will go to school tomorrow.
13. Will you come to my place next Sunday?
14. Will you read this book next week?
15. Do you read books every day?
16. Are you reading a book now?
17. I will not see him tomorrow.
18. What will you do tomorrow?
19. What will your friend do tomorrow?
20. Where do you go every morning?
22. Where are you going now?
23. Look! Mary is dancing. (если я правильно поняла)
24. She dances every day.
25. Will she dances tomorrow?
Как о так
После окончания учения продолжил военное образование в Александровском юнкерском училище (1888 — 90). Впоследствии опишет свою "военную юность" в повестях "На переломе (Кадеты)" и в романе "Юнкера". Уже тогда мечтал стать "поэтом или романистом".
Kuprin Alexander (1870 - 1938) - Russian pisatel.Rodilsya August 26 ( September 7 NS) in the city of Penza province Narovchat the family of a civil servant , who died a year after the birth of her son . Mother ( of the ancient family of Tatar princes Kulanchakovyh ) after the death of her husband she moved to Moscow , where he spent his childhood and youth of the future writer. Six years old boy was sent to Moscow Razumovsky board ( orphan ), which came out in 1880 . The same year, he entered the Moscow Military Academy converted to military school .
After the end of the teachings of continued military training in the Alexander cadet school (1888 - 90). Subsequently, describe their " military youth " in the story " At the turn ( Cadets )" and the novel " The cadets ." Even then, wanted to be " a poet or a novelist ."