1 Past Simple употребляется для обозначения действия, которое произошло в определенное время в и время совершения которого уже истекло. 2 2 группы глаголов 3 Правильные глаголы и неправильные глаголы. 4 формула образования Past Simple Tense правильных глаголов - V + -ed (глагол+окончание -ed) 5 to visit-visited, to want-wanted. 6 Формы Past Simple неправильных глаголов нужно знать наизусть. 7 to see-saw, to come-came, to say-said, to do-did. 8 Глагол to do может быть и смысловым (делать), и вс 9 Глагол to do в времени - did. Перед подлежащим. 10 В начальной форме. 11 Перед смысловым глаголом. 12 Между вс глаголом did и смысловым глаголом (He did not go to school yesterday) 13 Past Simple Tense можно узнать по этим словам в предложении - yesterday, always, often, last year и т.д.
1. He was – an interesting man (past simple)
2. I am going to arrive at 11. (going-to future)
3. I would not do that if I were you (conditional 1 and past simple)
4. Many people wear dark clothes at night (present simple)
5. He has been discussing the topic for the last two weeks (present perfect progressive)
6. They have just finished homework (present perfect simple)
7. Is she getting up now? (present progressive)
8. Prime Minster would have spoken on TV but he had been ill (conditional 2 and past perfect simple)
9. When he came back workers had already cleaned the pavement (past simple and past perfect simple)
10. What were you doing yesterday evening?(past progressive)
11. The boys have been playing football whole day (present perfect progressive)
12. He often shops at Harrods. (present simple)
13. If I saw the lights I would stop (past simple and conditional 1)
14. He said Mum had already gone out (past perfect simple)
15. I ran into Tom yesterday (past simple)
16. Next week I will be sitting on the beach (future progressive)
17. The sales are starting next Monday (present progressive)
18. When I entered the classroom the lesson was going on (past simple and progressive)
19. Could you ski when you were little? (past simple)
20. I could ski when I was at the university (past simple)
21. How long have you been working in the company? (present perfect progressive)
22. She would have sold the ring (conditional 2)
23. I am learning to type now (present progressive)
24. Have you heard from him lately? (present perfect simple)
25. Did you see the moon last night? (past simple)