1. We have live in Moscow now since 1960 2. I have studied English twice a week since childhood 3. It has been powered by the company three days a week for two years 4. They have gone to the store every Saturday since they moved here 5. We have meet each other sometimes for many years 6. I have known this man now since we went to school 7. I've been here every day since 9 o'clock 8. He has played football once a week since early childhood 9. He has driven a car now since he got the driving license 10. They have received letters from him regularly since last spring
Буква j - звук [dz] jar-кувшин,judo-дзюдо,jacket-куртка,juice-сок. Буква l - звук [ l ],lamp-лампа,ladder-лестница, leaf-лист,lemon-лимон. Буква с - звуки [ s ], [ k ], coat-пальто,comb-расческа,city-город,cow-корова,cup-чашка, circle-круг. Буква f - звук [ f ],fish-рыба, face-лицо,flower-цветок, fork-вилка. Буква t - звук [ t ],table-стол,teapot-чайник, taxi-такси, tie-галстук. Буква d - звук [ d ],duck-утка, desk-парта,dog-собака, dress-платье.
Еще существуют буквосочетания с этими буквами- ch,ck, th.
13. C
14. A
15. B
16. B
17. C
18. C
19. C
20. C
21. C
22. B