му favourite writter.
i think every person has his favourite story at least and his favourite writter too. my favourite writter is Pushkin. Now i'll tell you the causes of it below.
Pushkin is the greatest russian writter who has written a lot of poem stories novells and others. of cource every writter has written a lot of poems, but Pushkin has found the theme and motive of my soul. Especially the poem "The Fountain of Bakhchisarai". this poem touched my soul. you know, he has informed correctly about the pains of a woman, which has foll in love with the great sultan and he has left her.
Pushkin has written poetery in which he extolled about his motherland and others. at all i like his lyrics.
Nowadays,food has become easier to prepare.This change has improved our life.It is let us save our time which we can spend for many other interesting things.We don't need to stay in front of the cooker for hours.We just need to go to the supermarket and choose something what you want.It can be a meal in the can or the frozen food.It can be even a cooked hot meal.Also there are many cafes and restaurants where we can order different dishes and drinks .Definitly,the progress ahead do our life more comfortable and pleasant.