They have already read the book
Mum has already cooked an apple pie
Already — уже, относится к конструкции present perfect
1)She asked me whether I had mopped the floor.
2) She asked me if I was the owner of the dog.
3) She asked me if I had left my bag.
4)He asked me if I had read the whole article.
5) He asked me when I had called him the other day.
1) She asked me where I had left my purse.
2)She asked him what he had done for saving situation.
3) She asked them whether they would send
4)She asked them whether they was at home alone.
5) She asked her if she had washed the car the day before.
6) He asked me whether I had met her before.
7) Sam asked me whether I received his proposal.
8) She asked me why I had not told the truth.
9) They asked him why he had been so naughty.
1) She asked me whether I had been at home the day before.
2) They asked him if he had read the article the day before.
3) She asked me if I would be here the following day.
4)He asked me why I had been so frustrated the previous day.
5) Jane asked me when I had written the project the other day.
6) She asked me whether I would go sailing the next day.
ответ:1) Yes, my grandfather attended a school for boys;
2)Yes,(No) на выбор;
3)Yes, (No);
4)Yes of course;
5)Run 60 meters in 8.9 seconds;
6)No, I don't reading biographies;
7)My teacher don't reads fables;
8)No, the teacher taught me.
Объяснение:Теги заполнишь сам(а) , т.к мне данные виды рт не встречались либо там ничего не нужно писать
1)Да, мой дедушка посещал школу для мальчиков
2)Да, (Нет) ;
4)Да конечно;
5)Пробежать 60 метров за 8.9 секунд;
6)Нет, я не читаю биографии;
7)Мой учитель не читал басни;
8)Нет, меня учил учитель.
They have already read the book
Mom has already made apple pie