выберите правильный ответ и объясните свой выбор (To decorate) with dozens of bright lights, this huge fir-tree impressed all the visitors of the shopping center.
a) being decorated
b) decorating
c) having been decorated
2. (To type) by the undergraduate, article didn't contain all the necessary information.
a) having been typed
b) typed
c) being typed
3. (To live) in Kyiv for eight years, the student knew all the sights of the great city.
a) having lived
b) living
c) lived
4. (To rescue) by the policeman, the shocked children ran to their parents at once.
a) being rescued
b) rescued
c) having been rescued
5. I saw her (to go) away.
a) going
b) having gone
c) being gone
When i was a child , i used to go a kindergarten. I did my homework yesterday.(past simple)
We will go to Turkey in the next summer. Tomorrow the weather would be rainy.(future simple)
My mother is watching a movie in my room. He is talking to his friends.(resent cont)
It was raining when I left he school. I was sleeping when my friend asked me.(past cont)
In july 2050, that company will be building the big hotel. In the next week i will be passing my exams. ( future cont)
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