1.Large organization mogut ymet managers razlychnoho urovnja include topmanagers , mid- managers and managers nyzsheho Chain Chain .
2.Top menedzherы Responsible for the entire organization and are involved in decision Usuallystratehycheskyh and kontseptualnыh issues. 3.Top managers menedzherы rukovodyat Medium Chain , kotorыe Responsible forhlavnuyu Function Division of ili . 4.Menedzherы Medium Chain rukovodyat managers nyzsheho Chain ,otvetstvennыmy Management ezhednevnыmy action by groups of workers .
5.Ymeyutsya Various Types of managers at one and the same technical Levels in the organization.
1.Large organization mogut ymet managers razlychnoho urovnja include topmanagers , mid- managers and managers nyzsheho Chain Chain .
2.Top menedzherы Responsible for the entire organization and are involved in decision Usuallystratehycheskyh and kontseptualnыh issues. 3.Top managers menedzherы rukovodyat Medium Chain , kotorыe Responsible forhlavnuyu Function Division of ili . 4.Menedzherы Medium Chain rukovodyat managers nyzsheho Chain ,otvetstvennыmy Management ezhednevnыmy action by groups of workers .
5.Ymeyutsya Various Types of managers at one and the same technical Levels in the organization.