1) I told her that I had something to tell her 2) He said that he had met her for the first time on a warm sunny morning last spring 3) She said that she was going to call her mother again the following day 4) Robert said that he had been to Turkey twice, but so far he hadn't had time to visit Istanbul 5) I told the doctor that it would be very difficult to persuade her to take care of herself 6) The BBC announcer said that the president was to come to Madrid two days after 7) They said that they had a lift but very often it didn't work 8) My cousin said that they had bought a new flat, but they didn't like it so much as their previous one 9) She said that she had left a message for him, but he hadn't phoned yet 10) Peggy said that she had no idea who had done that, but she would find out 11) He said that his mother had just been operated on 12) She told me that she would come with me as soon as Fin was ready 13) The small boy said that he had a French lesson that evening and he hadn't done his homework yet 14) I told the officer that she had been sitting in the garden since the police had come 15) He said that I hadn't closed the window and had forgotten to turn off the light
Пэтти, шел по дороге с кувшином молока на голове, она собиралась в деревню, чтобы продавать свое молоко. Она подумала, что, "Если все пойдет хорошо, если молоко приносит мне хороший справедливая цена, я куплю несколько яиц. Тогда, если использовать хороший и тщательный уход, это не будет трудно поднять некоторые курица в моем дворе. Тогда я буду покупать " кота. Если я буду кормить и держать его так до тех пор, пока это жир, действительно, я куплю корову и теленка.
"О-о, честное слово!могу заметить, что они растут в стадо ! И если я продам стадо, я куплю домик в Испании!" И она чувствовала такую огромную радость, что она вздрогнула. Кувшин упал и молоко, и цыплята, и все падали на дорогу. И ее мечты были разбиты на куски
после модального глагола could нужно использовать инфинитив без частицы to