The Internet forms global information space, forms a physical basis for the World wide web. The Internet "took root" long ago and now everything "sprouts" in our daily reality more strongly. And if we in our severe conditions, unfortunately, often only hear about these or those possibilities of the Internet or only we start them to master, in the West already them use. In many countries for a long time use the Internet for the following purposes:
– as source of reference information (news, weather forecasts, exchange rates, schedule of trains and other transport, repertoires of theaters, programs of telecasts and so forth);
– that easily and quickly to send mail to the North Pole (if is to whom there to write) and even to receive the answer (if is to whom to answer);
– to download the necessary programs, books, music, films and other electronic documents;
– by search of friends in all corners of the globe;
– for carrying out the joint scientific researches, allowing to unite computers in different corners of the world for the solution of a global problem.
1 First of all, try to find out what to expect from the test, what kind of tasks there will be. If test samples are available to you (as, for example, when passing the exam), you need to use this and train daily.
2 Do not leave everything to the very last moment. If you constantly prepare for the test, you will surely improve your knowledge. To do this, make a plan for each day in order to properly allocate your time.
3 Take short breaks while studying. In between, you can give yourself a little physical activity. The brain works best when mental work is replaced by physical work. Walking, running, playing basketball, kicking a ball - in addition to stimulating mental activity, it will relieve stress.
4 Rest and anxiety control are some of the most important ingredients for test preparation success. Often, mistakes are made only because of stress, which makes it difficult to concentrate and collect. To stay rested and relaxed, follow a routine and try to get enough sleep. Related Videos