плюсами все просто. Наверняка каждый из нас на раз-два набросает на бумаге эти пункты. И скорее всего, выглядеть это будет примерно так: 1. Хороший отдых - залог хорошего настроения; 2. Новые интересные знакомства; 3. Подобранная со вкусом музыка, комфорт даруют покой и умиротворение и телу, и душе; 4. Ты сам себе хозяин. Никакой суматохи, нервотрепки - только релакс
I want to be a respected person. I know many people want to be a famous person because they think maybe many people will adore and respected them, but in my opinion, I want to be an ordinary and not ordinary person. The reason why I want to be an ordinary because I want to be a low-pitched person, and the reason why I want not to be an ordinary because I want to do things very high-key. I also know if you want to be a respected person first you must respect the other people and respect yourself. It is the first dream The second dream it is to be a teacher.
1. Paper was invented by the Chinese. 2. Penicillin was discovered by Alexander Fleming. 3. Applicants were interviewed by them. 4. A lot of money was spent at the supermarket by us. 5. Lunch is served from 12.00 to 2.00 p.m by them. 6. The work will be finished at time by us. 7. Rubbish is collected every day by them. 8. My car will be repaired by them by Sunday. 9. This problem can be solved by us. 10. Our passports were taken by a tall woman in a uniform. 11. We were allowed to take some photographs.
1. A new law will be passed by the government. 2. Clothes are sold in this shop (by them). 3. She was woken up at seven o'clock by her mother. 4. We will be payed twice a month by them. 5. The invitations were sent a week ago by us. 6. The walls can be decorated with posters (by you). 7. The fire was put out very quickly by the fire-fighters. 8. Our plants are watered for us by our neighbour when we are away. 9. The problem should be discussed in more detail by you. 10. We will be given some instructions later. Или Some instructions will be given to us later by him.
1. Хороший отдых - залог хорошего настроения;
2. Новые интересные знакомства;
3. Подобранная со вкусом музыка, комфорт даруют покой и умиротворение и телу, и душе;
4. Ты сам себе хозяин. Никакой суматохи, нервотрепки - только релакс