2. She asked if he worked in London.
3. She asked me where the post office was.
4. She said to come there.
5. She said she had never been.. (предложение не закончено).
6. She asked if I had ever seen "The Lord of the Rings" .
7. She said that she didn't like mushrooms.
8. She told me not to be silly.
9. She asked me if I wouldn't mind waiting for a moment.
10. She asked how often I played sport.
1. He asked me how much I had payed for that book.
2. The nurse asked him how he was feeling.
3. The teacher asked if I had written my homework.
4. He asked me if I knew anything about the accident.
5. My brother asked if anybody had called him while he had been out.
6. She asked me if I knew where Mrs Baker lived.
7. He asked her if the plane had left.
8. She asked how much that coat cost.
9. She asked me where I was from.
10. She asked me when I would meet my friends.
fair – белый, светлый
sallow – болезненно-желтый
father – отец
dad / daddy – папа
mother – мать
mum / mummy / mom (AmE) – мама
parents – родители
child / kid – ребенок
children / kids – дети
baby – грудной ребенок
son [ 'sʌn ] – сын
daughter [ 'dɔ:tə ] – дочь
brother – брат
sister – сестра
grandfather – дедушка
paternal grandfather – дедушка по линии отца
maternal grandfather – дедушка по линии матери
granddad / grandpa / gramps (разговорная форма) – дедушка
great grandfather - прадед
grandmother – бабушка
paternal grandmother – бабушка по линии отца
maternal grandmother – бабушка по линии матери
grandma / granny / grams (разговорная форма) – бабушка
great grandmother - прабабушка
grandson – внук
granddaughter – внучка
grandchild – внук, внучка
great grandson – правнук
great granddaughter - правнучка
uncle [ 'ʌŋkl ] – дядя
aunt [ 'ɑ:nt ] (BrE) / [ 'ænt ] (AmE) – тетя
cousin [ 'kʌzn ] – двоюродный брат, двоюродная сестра
nephew [ 'nefju ] – племянник
niece [ 'ni:s ] – племянница
stepfather – отчим
stepmother – мачеха
stepson – пасынок
stepdaughter – падчерица
stepchild – пасынок, падчерица
stepbrother / half brother – сводный брат
stepsister / half sister – сводная сестра
foster father – приемный отец
foster mother – приемная мать
foster child – приемыш
boyfriend – возлюбленный, молодой человек
girlfriend – возлюбленная, девушка
fiancé [ fi'ɔnsei ] / groom / bridegroom – жених
fiancée [ fi'ɔnsei ] / bride – невеста
husband – муж
wife – жена
spouse [ 'spaus ] – супруг, супруга
father-in-law – свекор (отец мужа), тесть (отец жены)
mother-in-law – свекровь (мать мужа), теща (мать жены)
son-in-law – зять (муж дочери)
daughter-in-law – невестка, сноха (жена сына)
brother-in-law – зять (муж сестры) / шурин (брат жены) / свояк (муж свояченицы) / деверь (брат мужа)
sister-in-law – невестка (жена брата) / золовка (сестра мужа) / свояченица (сестра жены)
godfather – крестный отец
godmother – крестная мать
godson – крестник
goddaughter – крестница
godchild – крестник, крестница
folks [ 'fɔ:ks ] / family – семья
relatives [ 'relətivs ] - родственники