When you leave school you understand that the time to choose your future profession has come. It's not an easy task. What do I want to be, when I leave school?
A few years ago it was difficult for me to give a definite answer. Now I have already decided what to do. I'd like to be a doctor. I think it's a very noble profession . I want to help people who has problems with health. I know that a doctor should noble in work and life, kind and attentive to people, honest and prudent. I will try to do me best to develop, good trains in myself.
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My scariest dream
Usually I do not remember my dreams. I often wake up and immediately forget what I saw in a dream. But one day I had a nightmare that I cannot forget.
I dreamed that I was walking through the forest. It was late at night. The moon was barely visible through the clouds in the sky. Suddenly I heard a crackle of branches behind me. I got scared. I slowly turned around and saw a dark figure. At that moment the clouds dispersed in the sky, the moon lit up the figure and I saw that it was an elderly man with shoulder-length hair and a long beard. Suddenly he fell down on all fours and howled like a wolf. Then I saw him turning into a wolf. It was a werewolf! I wanted to run, but my legs would not obey. I screamed ... and woke up.
I realized it was just a dream, but I was so scared that I could not fall asleep and lay in bed, listening to the sounds of the night. I fell asleep just before morning. Fortunately, it was my day off and I did not have to get up early.