Almost every student has pocket money. This is money that parents give out for food and minor expenses related to studies. Sometimes parents give out pocket money for good grades, this is wrong. When I save money that I haven’t spent in a day, I haven’t asked my parents for money to go to the movies for a long time.
You can save money and then spend it on a gift to your family, or on a large purchase. The ability to control your expenses arises and my self-esteem becomes higher, I feel more confident. When I am older, I can earn money and become more independent.
Карманные деньги есть практически у каждого школьника. Это деньги, которые родители выделяют на питание и мелкие расходы, связанные с учебой.Иногда родители выдают карманные деньги за хорошие оценки,это неправильно.Откладывая деньги, не потраченные за день, я давно уже не у родителей денег на прогулки в кино.
Можно копить деньги и потом потратить на подарок родным,либо на крупную покупку. Возникает умение контролировать свои расходы и моя самооценка становится выше,чувствую себя уверенней.Когда я стану старше,могу подрабатывать и буду более независимым.
The thought “Learning English at school is a waste of time” is rather disputable. I feel quite strongly that English is the necessity of today’s life. But, of course, you should ask yourself whether it is necessary for you or not, and why. Based on the answer you may generally define its priority. On the one hand, you must spend much time and make all efforts for learning English. You may say that learning English at school is a waste of time. On the other hand, learning English at school is free. You should not miss such opportunity. So it's up to you to decide. To my mind, learning English at school isn`t a waste of time. English at school is worth learning.
2. Her
3. Our
4. Their