I like drawing most of all. I have been drawing since I was very young. When my parents gave me the first markers, I was very happy. I immediately wanted to depict everything I see around me: trees, flowers, home, friends, animals. Everything around me began to play with new colors, as if I were inventing these colors. Since then, I and my drawing supplies have been inseparable.
My favorite hobby is drawing nature. I especially like flowers and various plants. Nature inspires people very much. Perhaps that's why we want to recreate it on paper or canvas. We imitate it, because it is an unknown and incomprehensible creation that cannot be explained. That's why they say that art is nature created by human hands.
I have a whole album where I drew the plants I saw. When we went to the greenhouse, to the Botanical garden, or just went to the country, I took this album with me and could look at one flower for hours. Thus, I have collected a whole collection of drawings that depict unique particles of nature.
- Здравсвуйте. Я хотел спросить: не могли ли бы вы меня принять?
- What seems to be the problem sir?
- А что у вас за проблема, сэр?
- I have a broken tooth and I will be going away on holidays tomorrow. I just want to make sure it doesn't need a filling.
- У меня сломался зуб, а я уезжаю завтра в отпуск. Хочу узнать, не нужна ли мне пломба.
- I am sure we can fit you in, just bear with me for a moment while I check with the dentist.
- Уверена, что мы сможем вас принять, подождите минутку, я с у зубного врача.
- Yes that is no problem, the dentist will take you. Would you like to follow me?
- Да, нет проблем, зубной врач примет вас. Идемте со мной.
- Certainly!
- Конечно.
- Hello. Please take a seat on the chair for me, we will have a look at what we need to do for you.
- Здравствуйте, садитесь на стул и мы посмотрим, что мы можем для вас сделать.
- Thank you!
- Ah I see, we need to fill one of your incisors on the right hand side. There is a small break.
- А, понятно, нужно пломба для одного из ваших передних зубов на правой стороне. Отломалась небольшая часть зуба.
- Is it going to hurt?
- Будет больно?
- No, it will not hurt at all. I will just give you an injection to numb the area around the tooth.
- Нет, совсем не будет больно. Я вам просто дам укол, чтобы онемело пространство вокруг вашего зуба.
- There you go, all finished.
- Ну вот, все сделано!
- Thank you!