1. Эта классификация, по-видимому, аналогична той, что используется зарубежными юристами.
2. ” Теория государства и права " считается сложным предметом.
3. Говорят, он хороший адвокат.
4. Известно, что новая лаборатория оснащена современным оборудованием.
5. Она, кажется, готовит доклад о классификации права в России.
6. Новая система должна быть применена уже в этом месяце.
7. По-видимому, он понял принципы этой классификации.
8. Было обнаружено, что это явление имеет широкое рас Сообщается, что полицейский применил весьма необычные методы воздействия.
ловить преступников.
10. Этот закон вряд ли будет принят.
11. Представленные здесь результаты, по-видимому, подтверждают вышеописанные взгляды.Вот ответ,с тебя 5 звезд и лучший ответ :3
1.It is believed that existing classifications of branches of law
reflect the features of the legal system of the country.
2. As it turned out, this classification was developed by modern lawyers.
3. Traditionally it is believed that criminal law belongs to
categories of public law, although victims are often
ordinary citizens.
4. Civil law turned out to be one of the most difficult subjects.
5. Probably, this bill was discussed in Parliament for a very long time.
6. It is unlikely that the parties will appeal.
7. They say they have the right to seek redress.
8. Found that the owner of the store stole the money.
9. It turns out he is a famous scientist. He wrote many articles on the system of Russian law.
10. As you know, such trials are held with the jury.
I want to tell you how I spent my summer.
I spent the summer very well. All summer was dry and sunny weather. My friends and I a lot of swimming and sunbathing on the river. In the evening we played football. In July, I went with my parents to the Crimea. We were traveling through the mountains. We saw many new birds and animals.
In August, I was visiting my grandmother in the garden. I helped her harvest. This year has grown a lot of fruits and berries. My grandmother was making delicious jam. The summer was great!
And how did you spend your summer?
Your friend,