Окей я напишу про плов)
I want to tell you about my favourite dish, it called pilaf. it is eastern national dish. Pilaf made from meat, rice, carrot, water, onion, vegetable oil. It's very easy to cook: first you will wash the meat, remove the veins, glands and cut into portioned pieces.
Cut the carrots and onions into strips. We leave one onion whole. It’s important to chop carrots, not rub them. Otherwise, it will quickly burn out and not saturate the dish with its aroma and color.
Rice is washed in cold running water until the water becomes clear. Do not forget that during washing, rice absorbs water. The more fluid he collected during washing, the less fluid he would draw during cooking.
We put the cauldron on the fire and warm it well.
Pour oil into a red-hot cauldron, let it warm up.
Dip one whole onion into boiling oil and leave it there until it turns black. We take out the darkened bulb and discard. The onion will give its color and make the rice golden.
Pour meat into the cauldron and leave it without stirring until a crust forms and the first fat is melted. The faster the meat catches, the more juicy it will be in the finished dish.
When the meat is well fried and browned, add chopped onions and carrots.
Mix and leave to languish. Already at this stage, you can throw the unpeeled head of garlic into the cauldron.
When the vegetables have become rosy, we pour water into the cauldron at the rate of one content per two waters.
After boiling the meat well, add spices, barberry and salt the broth. It should be much more salty than future pilaf.
Pour rice, cover and let simmer. Never stir.
As water is absorbed into the rice and evaporated, form a slide.
Pilaf preparedness is determined by sound. When there is water at the bottom of the cauldron, if you tap on a hill of rice, you can hear a squelch. Ready rice rings dullly.
сори за большой ответ а так вроде всё написал
перевод:Не так давно мне папа купил кубик-рубика. И только недавно я научился его собирать.
Этот кубик разных цветов. Там есть :белый жёлтый голубой красный чёрный и розовый цвет.
Раньше я не понимал как его собирать. Вскоре мне папа объяснил как это делается, и я впервые собрал его!
Теперь собирать кубик-рубика это моё любимое занятие.
анг текст:Not so long ago, my dad bought me a Rubik's cube. And only recently I learned to collect it. This cube is different colors. There are: white yellow blue red black and pink color. Before I not understood as his to collect. Soon me Pope explained as this is done, and I first time brought together his! Now collecting Rubik's cube is my favorite pastime.
This summer holidays I was at the beach.It was very good.I swam in the sea and ate ice cream.The weather was great.The sun is shon and there wasnt winde.It was the best summer holidays in my live!