Женщина-грабитель пошла в банк и дала кассиру отрывок со словами: «Отдай мне все, но не звони в полицию, или я тебя застрелю!» Кассирша была такой Но она так боялась, что Она сказала, что начала класть деньги в бумагу ... очень медленно, и деньги грабителя банка, потому что у нее дрожали руки. Она была, но она начала плакать. Банк нетерпеливый. Женщина-грабитель расстроилась и пошла на улицу в другой банк. Там кассир не так испугался и отдал ей все деньги. Тогда она просто ушла с более чем 300 000 долларов.
Ты не написала что именно я должна была сделать с текстом, по этому я просто перевела
То,что в скобочках,можно не писать.
1. A lot of money was stolen [by him] from the shop.
2. By six o'clock the work had been finished [by them].
3. At twelve o'clock the trucks were being loaded [by the workers].
4. By three o'clock the trucks had been loaded [by the workers].
5. Every year our daughter is sent [by us] to rest in the south.
6. This film will be shown on TV [by them].
7. A new concert hall is being built in our street [by them].
8. Yesterday potatoes were bought [by me].
9. Yesterday the books will be brought [by us].
10. The clock is being repaired [by them] now.
11. Milk is sold [by them] in this shop.
12. The whole text has been translated [by me].
13. The window was broken [by them] last week.
14. When I came home,the sweets had been eaten [by them].
15. In the evening the work will be done [by us].
16. In the 19th century this book was written [by him].
17. Tennis was being played [by them] from four till five.
18. A number of important experiments have been made [by them] in this laboratory.
19. In the 19th century Central Africa was explored [by Livingstone].
20. By the middle of autumn all the trees had been planted [by us].
21. At the beginning of next season this play will be staged [by them].
22. The story has been forgotten [by them].
23. Have the rules of the game been explained to you [by anybody]?
24. My skates haven't been brought back [by them].
Was the show fantastic?
Can I use the sport field now?
Does your Granny spend a lot of time watching TV?
Did your Dad work in the garden all the evening?
Have you had a serious problem with your parents?
Are they driving to their summer house?
Did he visit Washington last year?