1. Can Mike go to space every weekend? - Неужели Майк ездит в космос каждые выходные? Mike can't go to space every weekend. - Не может быть, что Майк...
2. Can you friend being traveling round Antarctica now? - Неужели твой друг сейчас путешествует по антарктике? Your friend can't be traveling round Antarctica now. - Не может быть, что твой друг...
3. Can our students have a P lesson now? - Неужели у наших студентов сейчас урок философии? Our students can't have a P lesson now& - Не может быть, что у наших студентов сейчас урок философии
5. Can Q of the UK be delivering a lect in room 404 - Неужели королева Англии проводит лекции в комнате 404? Q or the UK can't be delivering a left in room 404 - не мб, что королева...
6. Сan well-bred students chew gums at lessons? - Неужели благовоспитанные студенты жуют жвачку во время уроков? Well-bred students can't chew gums at lessons - не мб, чтобы благовоспитанные...
7. Can The students next door be singing a song now? - Неужели, студенты в соседнем классее поют песню сейчас The students next door can't be singing a song now - не мб, что студенты...
8. Can my Granny be doing homework for her grandson now? - Неужели моя бабушка делает дз за своего внука сейчас? My Granny can't be doing homework for her grandson now - Не мб, что моя бабушка...
9. Can Your fellow-student be writing a letter to a friend now? - Неужели твой товарищ студент сейчса пишет письмо своему другу? Your fellow-student can't be writing a letter to a friend now. - Не мб, что твой...
10. Can Your mother be taking an exam in English now? - Неужели твоя мама сейчас сдает екзамен по англу? Your mother can't be taking an exam in English now. - Не мб, что твоя мама...
Every person needs a friend - a person close to you in spirit , someone with whom to spend time wondering . each - this is the man who will support you in sorrow and in joy , who will always try to help and advise . but all of us know how to make friends ? and in general - that is true friendship ? it so happens that two people are constantly talking, a lot of time together , but some of them might be trouble or joy, and a strong friendship is gone . about such people usually say that they do not stand the test . some of them are scared of another trouble , did not want to intervene , worried and sometimes even worse - one friend began to envy the other: his successes , joys , victories no wonder they say that true friendship is not checked as much trouble as joy. so what is , in my opinion , a true friendship ? i think it should be checked for years. when people are friends for many years , they 've been through a lot and have been " a test of strength ." a true friend , i think you only good wishes , has struggled to help make your life better. this does not mean that he always says you only pleasant, not at all! conversely, a true friend can say one of the few , the whole truth in the face, open your eyes to something , to show where you were wrong . after all, this is very important - to stop in time or forward in the right direction , help you understand your mistakes . a true friend will never betray , not trade you for any benefit or benefits . he can call at any time of the day and tell you everything that 's on your mind , share and get support. of course , friendship - a concept bilateral . two people equally should cherish their relationship , to protect them , to try to save . and then , in my opinion , friendship is really strong and durable.