I believe this question asks whether Artificial Intelligence (AI) will replace human interpreters in 20 years. Well, my answer is it won't.
The reason is that language is subjective, it is full of nuances, references, jokes, puns and colloquialisms that no machine is able to grasp and convey in another language at the moment.
If we think of a more distant future, it is possible that technology will replace human interpreters, but it won't be a problem for interpreters specializing in languages which are less widely spoken.
people who work on a ship or plane - crew
place where travellers’ belongings are checked when leaving or entering the country - Customs
telling the customs officers about the goods in your bags - declare
one of the ways through the Customs - channel
rough weather with wind and rain - storm
large pieces of cloth for moving the ship through the water when there is a wind - sails
things which you buy - goods
a way followed to get from one place to another - route
a sort of boat which moves over land or water - hovercraft
floor built across a ship - deck
a place where ships tie up in a port - harbour
a boat for saving people in danger at sea - lifeboat
taxes paid on goods when leaving or entering the country - duties