Преступлением признается виновно совершенное общественно опасное деяние, запрещенное настоящим Кодексом под угрозой наказания.
2. Не является преступлением действие (бездействие), хотя формально и содержащее признаки какого-либо деяния, предусмотренного настоящим Кодексом, но в силу малозначительности не представляющее общественной опасности.
1. В зависимости от характера и степени общественной опасности деяния, предусмотренные настоящим Кодексом, подразделяются на преступления небольшой тяжести, преступления средней тяжести, тяжкие преступления и особо тяжкие преступления.
2. Преступлениями небольшой тяжести признаются умышленные и неосторожные деяния, за совершение которых максимальное наказание, предусмотренное настоящим Кодексом, не превышает двух лет лишения свободы.
3. Преступлениями средней тяжести признаются умышленные деяния, за совершение которых максимальное наказание, предусмотренное настоящим Кодексом, не превышает пяти лет лишения свободы, и неосторожные деяния, за совершение которых максимальное наказание, предусмотренное настоящим Кодексом, превышает два года лишения свободы.
1. Have they arrived already?
2. Lucy has run 2000 metres today.
3. I’ve been cleaning all morning – I’m fed up!
4. How long have you known Simon?
5. I’ve been drinking more water lately, and I feel better.
6. Sorry about the mess! I’ve been baking.
7. How many times have you taken this exam?
8. He has eaten six bars of chocolate today!
9. Julie has cooked dinner. Let’s go and eat!
10. The students have finished their exams. They’re very happy.
11. The baby’s face is really dirty! What has he been eating?
12. Iona is exhausted these days. She has been working too hard recently.
13. Luke has never been abroad.
14. I’ve been waiting for three hours already !
15. Have you finished your homework yet?
16. How long have you been a lawyer?
17. I’ve been reading your book all day. It’s very interesting, but I’m only on
chapter 2.
18. She has drunk ten glasses of water!
19. I’ve had my dog for sixteen years.
20. Help, I’ve lost my wallet! How can I get home?
The Faithful Dog
This story is set in Wales in the Middle Ages. There was a prince whose name was Llewellyn. He lived in the valley. He had a baby son. He also had a dog called Gelert. One day the prince went hunting. He left the dog to look after the baby. Soon some wolves came out of a wood. They ran to the cottage. The dog saw the wolves and hid the baby. Then he ran outside and bravely fought the wolves. He killed two but was wounded. He was tired and lay down to sleep. When the prince returned, he saw his dog all in blood. He noticed that his son's bed was empty. He took his sword and killed the dog while it was sleeping. Then he heard the baby cry and found him behind the bed. Through the window the prince saw the two dead wolves. Then he understood everything. He carried Gelert to the top of a hill and buried him. He collected a lot of stones to mark the grave. You can still see it today.