Dear Andrew, I was very glad to hear from you. I haven't written for ages because of my school activities. Now I want to tell you about my native city Volgograd. It’s very large and the most beautiful city I have ever seen. I really enjoy the Museum - panorama, where a guide tells everybody about Stalingrad Battle. It is very interesting and unforgettable. We ride a boat along the great Russian river the Volga. There is a famous Mamaev Kurgan and a beautiful embankment in Volgograd. There are many cinemas and theatres in my city too. The hotel "Volgograd" is one of the most beautiful hotel of the city. Our city is worse visiting. Come to my place and see how amazing it is. We’ll walk or ride a bus round the city to see all the attractions and sightseeing. That's enough for me today. I have to go now. Best regards to your family. Write soon.
Чтобы сказать: Средства массовой информации, или одно из средств массовой информации, в современном английском языке употребляется одно и то же выражение "Mass media." Конечно же, это латинское выражение берётся в современном английском языке без всякого окончания множественного числа -s, так как medium - единственное число - "средство" и его множественное число - media - относятся к существительным - исключениям, образующим множественное число не по традиционному Но тем не менее в современном английском языке единственное число medium не употребляется в связи со средствами массовой информации, а употребляется только выражение "mass media", и я повторюсь, и для ед и для мн числа (!) Это данность, которую надо принять к сведению, и в разных источниках мы увидим сегодня и глаголы множественного числа, и глаголы в единственном числе, следующие после выражения "mass media" ((( C technology всё проще, когда это сущ. стоит в ед. числе , берём и глагол в ед. ч., а когда стоит - technologies (мн. ч.) - оно согласуется с глаголом во множественном числе.
I am a student in the eighth grade. In my class of 24 people, including 14 girls and 10 boys. Relationships auspicious in the class, always trying to help each other, to come to the rescue in difficult times. Our school life is very easy and quite interesting. Going to school, I look forward to meeting with classmates and with teachers. Every day I try to hold for the benefit of yourself: get good grades, actively respond to the lessons. In this school I study in the fifth grade . All items are in separate rooms. Every room is decorated differently, and each of them good in their own way. In the study of the Russian language on the walls hung beautiful stands with the rules and reminders. In the study of mathematics invaluable assistance provided by various tables, and particularly interesting huge sliding Board, which fits almost all the lesson material
I was very glad to hear from you. I haven't written for ages because of my school activities.
Now I want to tell you about my native city Volgograd. It’s very large and the most beautiful city I have ever seen. I really enjoy the Museum - panorama, where a guide tells everybody about Stalingrad Battle. It is very interesting and unforgettable. We ride a boat along the great Russian river the Volga. There is a famous Mamaev Kurgan and a beautiful embankment in Volgograd. There are many cinemas and theatres in my city too. The hotel "Volgograd" is one of the most beautiful hotel of the city. Our city is worse visiting. Come to my place and see how amazing it is. We’ll walk or ride a bus round the city to see all the attractions and sightseeing. That's enough for me today. I have to go now.
Best regards to your family.
Write soon.
Yours Alex