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Сответами на вопрос the united kingdom of g.b. and northern ireland is situated on the british isles. the british isles consists of two large islands, g.b. and ireland, and about five thousand small islands. their total area is over 244,000 square kilometers. the uk is made up of four countries: england, wales, scotland and northern ireland. gb consists of england, scotland and wales and doesn't include northern ireland. the capital of the uk is london. the british isles are separated from european continent by the north sea and the english channel. the western coast of gb is washed by the atlantic ocean and the irish sea. the surface of the british isles varies very much. the north of scotland is mountainous and is called the highlands, while the south with its beautiful valleys and plains is called the lowlands. there are a lot of rivers in gb, but they are not very long. the severn is the longest river, while the thames is the deepest and the most important one. the mountains, the atlantic ocean and the warm waters of the gulf stream influence the climate of the british isles. the weather in gb is very changeable. a fine morning can change into a wet afternoon and evening and vice versa. the english people say: "other countries have a climate; in england we have weather." the english also say that they have three variants of weather: when it rains in the morning, when it rains in the afternoon or when it rains all day long. the weather is the favorite conversational topic in gb. after they greet each other they start talking about the weather. the best time of the year in gb is spring (of course, it rains in spring too). the two worst months in britain are january and february. they are cold, damp and unpleasant. the best place in the world then is at home by the big fire. summer months are rather cold and there can be a lot of rainy days. so most people who look forward to summer holidays, plan to go abroad for the summer. the most unpleasant aspect of english weather is fog and smog. this is extremely bad in big cities especially in london. the fog spreads everywhere so cars move along slowly and people can't see each other. they try not to be run over by a car but still accidents are frequent in the fog. с ответами на вопрос 1) the uk is an island state, ins't it? where is it situated? 2) what countries is the uk made of? what are their capitals? 3) what channel separates the british isles from the european continent> ? 4) who called britain a " precious stone set in the silver sea? 5) the surface of the british isles varies very much, doesn't it? 6) what's the highest mountain on the british isles? 7)are there a lot of long and deep rivers in graet britain? 8) why is the climate of the british isles mild? 9) is the uk a large country? 10) what's the uk's population? 11) the uk is a highly developed indusrial country. what does it produce and export? 12) the uk is a constitutional monarchy. what does it mean?

1)The United Kingdom is situated on the British Isles
2)The UK is made up of four countries: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.Their capital  is London.
3)the English Channel separates the British Isles from the European continent.
4)Shakespeare called Britain a "precious stone set in the silver sea"
5)Yes,it does
6)the highest mountain on the British Isles is called the Lowlands.
7)No,there aren't
8) Climat is mild the whole year round.
9)Yes,it is. Their total area is over 244,000 square kilometers.
10)Its population is over 58 million.
11)The UK is a highly developed industrial country. It is known as one of the world's largest producers and exporters of machinery, electronics, textile, aircraft and navigation equipment
12)In law, the Head of State is the Queen. In practice, the Queen reigns, but does not rule. The country is ruled by the elected government with the Prime Minister at the head.
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The United Kingdom or The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is the island state in the Western Europe. The capital of Great Britain is London. It`s the cultural center of the country. There is an International London Heathrow Airport, a famous Tower Bridge over the river Thames, a Westminster Abbey, the National Gallery of Art and many other beautiful places to visit. London is situated on the British islands and it is settled down on a zero meridian which is also called Greenwich. The English sometimes callLondon The Big Smoke or The Great Smoke. The are about 60 million people living in Great Britain. Most of them are English, Scottish and Irish. They also have many traditions,like wearing kilts in Scotland and cooking special food for festivals. They celebrate many events in different ways. But all the members of the family take part in it. People in Great Britain are kind and polite. Many famous people was born and lived in Great Britain. William Shakespeare is one of them. He wrote many plays like "Romeo and Juliet", "Hamlet", "Macbeth" and others. Most of them are tragedies. Shakespeare was born in 1564 and died in 1616. He lived in Stratford - on - Avon with his wife Anne Hathaway and his children. The best writer of his time was as good actor as a writer. He appeared in his own plays at the Globe Theatre and other London theatres. The red rose was the emblem of Lancastrians, the white rose that of the Yorkists, the two Houses fighting for the English throne in the War of Roses. But their struggle ended by marriage of Henry VII, the Lancastrian with Princess Elizabeth, the Yorkist. The red rose has since become the emblem of England. The thistle is the national emblem of Scotland. It happened in very old times when Norsemen wanted to settle in this country. They came close to the Scots’ camps in the night and wanted to kill them in their sleep. That’s why they took off their shoes so as to make no noise. But one of the Norsemen stepped on a thistle and screamed. The Scots woke up and put the enemy to flight. The leek is the emblem of Wales. Welshmen all over the world celebrate their national holiday St David’s Day by wearing leeks. They do it because they believe St David have lived for several years on bread and wild leeks. Irishmen wear their national emblem on St Patrick’s Day. It’s a small white clover with three leaves on the stem. It is called a shamrock. I know Great Britain is by the right considered The state of the future and I would like to go to London and see the most beautiful sights in the capital of this country. I hope my wish will come true.
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Internet... World wide web, fascinating every day increasingly more users. With Internet occurrence the life of people changed strongly. For someone use of worldnet is the way of dialogue with one another, for someone - work, and for someone - receipt of helpful information. But still as Internet influences us? Occurrence of Internet in thousand to nine hundred eighty second year in USSR affected people narrow circle. he was used by the scientists, engineers for exchange by experience, for acknowledgement of their opinions, theories. Internet was luxury. And that takes place now? Our life it is inextricably related with him(it). Internet to a large extent facilitated our life. We can look up any film, to purchase something from any point of the world. And all of this is , not leave house. With the aid of Internet we, not having means, opportunities.

Интернет... Всемирная паутина, захватывающая с каждым днем все больше и больше пользователей. С появлением интернета жизнь людей сильно изменилась. Для кого-то пользование всемирной сетью - это общения друг с другом, для кого-то - работа, а для кого-то - получение полезной информации. Но все-таки как влияет на нас интернет?

Появление интернета в тысяча девятьсот восемьдесят втором году в СССР затронуло узкий круг людей. Им пользовались ученые, инженеры для обмена опытом, для подтверждения своих мнений, теорий. Интернет являлся роскошью. А что происходит сейчас? Наша жизнь неразрывно связана с ним. Интернет во многом облегчил нашу жизнь. Мы можем посмотреть какой-либо фильм, купить что-то из любой точки мира. И все это, не выходя из дома. С интернета мы, не имея средств, возможностей, можем увидеть, как все-таки прекрасен мир вокруг нас. Мы в буквальном смысле слова "путешествуем", сидя на своих диванах. Как же удивительно то, что люди могут видеть, что происходит на другом конце земли, не тратя на это ни сил, ни средств. Интернет настолько вжился в современный мир, что люди могут даже получать образование на дальних расстояниях. Соглашусь, что нынешним школьникам гораздо удобнее учиться. Каждый из нас в любой момент может узнать обо всем, что нас интересует.

Но у интернета, кроме положительных, есть много отрицательных сторон. Мы стали полностью зависимы от него: даже при отключении электричества нам кажется, что жизнь остановилась. С появлением интернета люди перестали разговаривать! Мы заменили общение лицом к лицу на обычные переписки. Человек перестал использовать всемирную паутину по назначению и просто тратит свое время впустую. А разве так должно быть? Я уверена, что интернет был только для благих целей, а не для того, чтобы его пользователи сидели, уткнувшись в свои телефоны, читая недостоверную, а иногда даже глупую информацию. А компьютерные онлайн-игры? Кто-то скажет, что они просто являются средством разрядки. Но на самом деле, кроме привыкания и разрушения психики, ничего другого они не приносят. Мало того, многие люди тратят на них большие деньги. Нередко по телевизору можно увидеть, как под влиянием игр люди становятся озлобленными, иногда даже полностью неконтролируемыми. Часто подростки становятся их жертвами. Очень страшно слышать по новостям, как дети убивают своих родителей из-за онлайн-игр. А ведь родители просто хотят вытащить своих детей оттуда. Появление интернета появлению хакеров. Сейчас очень часто в интернете можно видеть большое количество провокационной рекламы, доверяя ей, люди теряют деньги, имущество, а иногда расплачиваются своей жизнью.

Вне всякого сомнения, интернет - одно из самых удобных средств получения информации, общения, созданных человечеством. Но именно правильное пользование им нам стать интеллектуально развитыми людьми на новые, не менее значимые открытия и достижения.

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