Internet. It has existed for only a couple decades but it had changed our lives absolutely.
Nowadays people use the Internet for a variety of different things. The Internet allows us to easily communicate with people all around the globe, to receive any information we want in a matter of seconds, to store vast amounts of data without almost any risk of losing it and a lot more. Also, students can use the Internet for their advantage. They can write excellent quality reports and do research on different problems at issue. Internet even allows students to easily get in touch with any person they want to and ask them a question or to simply discuss a topic of interest.
But the Internet is like a double-edged sword: it has both favourable and unfavourable consequences. Because of that, the Internet can be harmful to a person who isn't aware of those. Social media and online video games are very addictive and you probably don't think about the long-term damage they can do for you. Firstly, they waste an immeasurable portion of your time, not giving you any useful skills nor expanding your knowledge of the world. They are basically time-killers. Secondly, long internet-surfing sessions can massively reduce your sight and are detrimental for your health, especially if you do those sessions daily.
To sum up, the Internet can be really helpful to any person out there in the world. But this only applies if you are really cautious about your activities in the Net. Try to be careful and everything will be alright!
(там где есть зе нужно произносить с языком между зубов) и в словах еарс,янгер и систер букву р очень плавно отпускать,почти не произносить