Every century has brought new illnesses and unknown infections. Whenever the cure is found for one disease, another one appears. For example, several centuries ago the smallpox was a deadly disease. Nowadays, there are enough medical supplies to fight against this disease.
The human body is capable of many amazing things, but there are still many diseases which can weaken its force. Cancer is among those diseases. It is a class of diseases characterized by out-of-control cell growth. Some forms of cancer can be cured by modern medicine but some are deadly. Every year thousands of people die from lung cancer, which can be the result of smoking. That’s why doctors always advice not to smoke cigarettes.
Surprisingly, flu can be very dangerous for human body. It is caused by certain viruses and usually starts with fever, sore throat, muscle pains, severe headache, weakness, sometimes coughing. There are lots of modern methods and drugs to fight influenza but in more serious cases it causes pneumonia, which is often fatal.
Another dangerous illness is malaria. It is an infectious disease caused by parasites. It is widespread in tropical and subtropical regions.
There are many other unpleasant and dangerous diseases, however diagnosed on early stages most of them can be cured.
ответ: At any time of the day, in the heat and in the fierce cold, they roam the roads of our country, doing difficult and sometimes very dangerous work. Truckers, for them every flight is not only a destination, but also new meetings, unexpected difficulties, unexpected joys, risk and luck, and of course - new stories, true and incredible! The experienced driver of a heavy-duty trailer, Fyodor Ivanovich, cannot get along with his new partner, the frivolous and funny Sasha. And what can be in common between two completely different characters, two different generations? Sometimes it even comes to quarrels, but each time truckers are reconciled by the road and the adventures that lie ahead. (Please translate into English)
Я думаю так
B:Mm, I want a burger and 1) some chips.
A: Oh,they haven't got 2) any burgers.
B:Have they got 3) any sandwiches?
A: Yes! Do you want 4) some lemonade too?
B:No, thank you. Can I have 5) some Coke, please?
A: They haven't got 6) any Coke. What about 7) some orange juice?
SOME используется в утвердительных предложениях.
ANY - в отрицательных предложениях и вопросах.
SOME также используется в вопросах, если речь идет о или предложении.