1 It is situated on Lake Michigan. 2 Waterways (and later railroad lines) have made Chicago a natural link between the products of the Midwest and the markets of the East. 3 In 1871 there was a great fire.The city needed rebuilding. The skyscraper appeared in the course of this rebuilding. 4 In the 1880's and 1890's Chicago attracted engineers and architects from America and Europe. These men are now known as the Chicago school. 5 Chicago's tallest buildings are the John Hancock1 Tower (or "Big John", as they call it), the Standard Oil Building ("Big Stan") and the Sears Tower2. 6 Chicago is famous for its beaches. Most of the area along Lake Michigan is taken up by beaches and parks.
1.Я пришёл на урок истории,чтобы сдать реферат,но учительница сказала,что нужен файл. 2.На каникулах,гуляя с друзьями я разбил экран телефона. 3.Я пришёл с прогулки,дома была полная тишина. 4.Когда мы с родителями ехали на дачу,мы слышали,как кричал котёнок застрявший между труб. 5.Поздно вечером к нам в дверь позвонил незнакомец и сказал,что он пришёл устанавливать счётчик. 6.На экзаменах надо при себе иметь:чёрную ручку. 7.На уроках информатики нас учили редактировать программы. 8.На 23 февраля пришлось делить торт с девочками. 9.Посмотрев интересный сериал я ждал продолжения. 10.Мама сказала,что нужно научиться самостоятельно со всем справляться .
2 Waterways (and later railroad lines) have made Chicago a natural link between the products of the Midwest and the markets of the East.
3 In 1871 there was a great fire.The city needed rebuilding. The skyscraper appeared in the course of this rebuilding.
4 In the 1880's and 1890's Chicago attracted engineers and architects from America and Europe. These men are now known as the Chicago school.
5 Chicago's tallest buildings are the John Hancock1 Tower (or "Big John", as they call it), the Standard Oil Building ("Big Stan") and the Sears Tower2.
6 Chicago is famous for its beaches. Most of the area along Lake Michigan is taken up by beaches and parks.