Is he talking about me? (обо мне)
Does she know he? (его)
Don’t touch this! (это)
He gave she a beautiful flower. (ей)
She gave me good advice. (мне)
Tom is staring at we. (на нас)
Alice saw me in the street. (меня)
Alex bought this skirt for you. (для тебя)
I know he very well. (его)
I love you. (тебя)
She sent a letter to they. (им)
He wants to go with you. (с вами)
Read this newspaper.She is very interesting. (она)
Jim looked at we in silence. (на нас)
Show she the journal. (ей)
Show the newspaper to he. (ему)
Take as as you find us. (нас
Bring this! (это)
Tell he to call me up right now. (ему)
Tell me everything about they (о них)
This bag is for you. (для вас)
This passage was translated by she. (ею)
This article was written by them. (им)
Where is the pencil-box? He is on the table. (он)
Who broke the dish? – Not me! (я)
1 The official name of the whole country is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland but it is often referred to as Great Britain. 2 The capital of the country is London.
3 Population of Britain is more than 60 million people.
4 People living in Britain are called British. English is the main language. 5 What are the capitals of Scotland, Wales, England and Northern Ireland, which comprise the UK? 6 The capitals of these parts are Edinburgh, Cardiff, London and Belfast. 7 The national flag is called the Union Jack.
8 The UK is a constitutional monarchy.
9 Queen Elizabeth II is 91 years old now. She is the head of the state from 1952.
The head of the government is the Prime Minister.
10 British national currency is a pound. (British banknotes are called pounds. One hundred pence make one pound.)
11 The British Isles are washed by the Atlantic Ocean, the North Sea and the Irish Sea. The English Channel separates Great Britain from the continent.
12 The surface of Great Britain varies very much.
The north of Scotland is mountainous. All the rest – east, centre and south-east of the country – is a vast plain.
13 The British climate is mild. It’s never too cold or too hot in Britain.
14 Britain is a highly developed industrial country.
15 The British are proud of their customs and traditions and carefully keep them up.
16 A lot of tourists come to Great Britain every year to do some trip in its big and small towns.
1. I will come again soon. 2. He will be back in an hour. 3. Why is she at home?
4. We won't go there. 5. I will go ... 6. They will be here ...