3. Choose the correct question to the underlined part of the sentence.
London is famous for its outstanding
places of interest.
A) For what London is famous?
B) What London is famous for?
C) What is London famous?
D) What is London famous for?
7. Choose the correct definition.
A tunnel is...
A) a passage built underground.
B) a metal instrument.
C) a voyage on a ship.
D) a school journey.
4. Choose the correct tense form.
If they ... camping, they will have a
great time.
A) go
B) went
D) shall go
8. Which lines have only nouns?
1. glamorous, dig
2. cruise, journey
3. airline, excursion
4. carry, wonderful
B) What is London famous for?
A) a passage built underground.
A) go
3. airline, excursion