Internet (for business purposes) WORDLIST:
Website – веб-сайт, интернет-сайт
Webmaster – веб-мастер (должностное лицо, ответственное за нормальное функционирование конкретного сайта)
Link – канал связи; линия связи; соединение (в сети)
Notorious – знакомый, известный
Pedometer – шагомер
Wireless – беспроводной, беспроволочный
User – пользователь; абонент
Interaction – взаимодействие; взаимосвязь
Collaboration – сотрудничество; участие; совместная работа
Router – маршрутизатор (устройство для соединения сетей, использующих разные архитектуры и протоколы; осуществляет выбор одного из нескольких путей передачи сетевого трафика, а также фильтрацию широковещательных сообщений для локальной сети)
Fault-tolerant – отказоустойчивый
To improve – улучшать; совершенствовать; налаживать
To interconnect – внутреннее соединение, межсоединение
To serve – обслуживать; производить осмотр и текущий ремонт
To reshape – формировать; восстанавливать форму (напр., сигнала)
To accelerate – ускоряться, увеличивать скорость; разгоняться
To distribute – распределять, раздавать
To affiliate – объединять, присоединять
To contribute – содействовать
To establish – основывать, создавать, учреждать
Exercise 1 Fill the gaps using the wordlist
1. - to give money, goods, or your time and effort in order to achieve something, especially when other people are also helping
2. - a piece of equipment or software that finds the best way of sending information between any two networks
3. - to spread something over an area
4. - someone who uses something such as a service or a piece of equipment
5. - to provide a group of people or an area with something useful
6. Peer SMB applications running on two stations must establish a with each other prior to exchanging SMB messages
7. Advancing an format for both package and connector modeling improvements
8. If the network encounters interference, the session layer functions will suspend communications until the interference goes away
9. When Brownell finally calmed down, he explained that a particle accelerator was a large, circular tube through which subatomic particles were
10. He was an organizer of the Centennial Workshop on Heun's equation (Schloss Ringberg, Germany) from which of the two authors arose
John is ten years old. He has got fair hair. He hasn't fleckles. He lives in Kyiv. His mother and father are from Great Britain. John speaks English and he studies Ukrainian. He is good at reading and speaking, but he isn't very good at writing. He just learns. John wants to be a manager like his father. He often plays computer games. He also enjoys swimming and playing football with his friends. John doesn't like tennis. At the weekend he meets his friends and they spend a lot of time together.