HE IS a first -year full -time student of the Academy of Law and Management of the Federal Penal Service Of the Russian Federation. It was opened in October, 1970. The Academy is situated in the centre of the city. It trains workers for correctional institutions (corrections). At present there are three main departments at our Academy: the Law Department, the Psychology Department and the Economics Department. HE STUDIES Law (Psychology, Economics). HE STIUDIES a lot of subjects: the History of the Country, Philosophy, Criminal Law, Civil Law, Penal Law, Administrative Law, the History of the State and Law, the Theory of the State and Law, Detective Criminology, Criminalistics, Activities, English and other subjects (Psychology, Biology, Physiology, Mathematics, Economics, the Theory of Economics, Management, Marketing ). HE ATTENDS physical and combat training classes. HIS working day begins at 8.30 a. m. and is over at 7 p. m. In the morning HE HAS lectures, tutorials and seminars, and in the afternoon HE can work in the reading - room or laboratories by HIMSELF and prepare for HIS lesson. HE DOESN'T study on Sunday. It is HIS day - off. In winter and in summer HE TAKES credit tests and exams. After exams HE HAS holidays.
Every educated person on planet Earth knows that Russia is the largest country in the world. Its vast expanses occupy one-tenth of the overall land of our planet.
Its landscape is mesmerizing. Tall mountains, boundless oceans and seas, pure water rivers and streams, giant marshes and steppes, huge forests and frozen glaciers.
Каждый образованный человек на планете Земля знает, что Россия является самой большой страной в мире. Ее огромные пространства занимают одну десятую часть общей земли нашей планеты.
Ее пейзаж завораживает. Высокие горы, бескрайние океаны и моря, чистые реки и ручьи, гигантские болота и степи, огромные лесные массивы и ледники.
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