1. all preparations being made, we went on an excursion. (the nominative absolute participial construction = независимый причастный оборот) - когда все приготовления были сделаны, мы отправились на экскурсию.
2. i expect you to be on time. (complex object = объектный инфинитивный оборот, сложное дополнение) - я надеюсь, ты придешь вовремя.
3. he is said to learn foreign languages quickly. (complex subject = субъектный инфинитивный оборот, сложное подлежащее) - говорят, что он быстро учит иностранные языки.
Eastern National operates interpretive bookstores in over 150 National Park units.[1] EN publishes approximately 100 new products for the National Park Service each year.[3] They also operate the Jamestown Glasshouse in Jamestown, Virginia, and partner with other agencies such as the Army Corps of Engineers and the United States Forest Service. eParks.com is the official online store of America’s national parks, and is operated by Eastern National. Founded in 1947, EN provides critical funding and support for educational and interpretive programs in America’s national parks and other public trusts.