I try to use my phone less and live in "real life". The phone takes up a lot of free time in our life. Sometimes We also forget about our family and friends because of the phone. I try to read more and be with my family instead of being distracted by the phone. Yes, the telephone and the Internet are very likely in our life, but you can't give them all the time. It's not very good when a person sits on the phone all day. I invite all people to live a real life and not a virtual one. Much more interesting without real life.
I use my phone, I only try to watch a movie sometimes. But I also use my phone to chat with friends. For example, I can write to my friends and agree on a meeting place. I honestly try not to abuse my phone
"Как часто вы пользуетесь мобильным телефоном"
ответ: вроде так но несуди строго
ответ: Новым жильцам показали 3-х комнатную квартиру, уже готовую к проживанию.
were shown Passive voice Past Simple
2 Я занимаюсь строительством много лет.
have been Active voice, Present Perfect
3 Обычное пятиэтажное здание строится за 3 мeсяца. is assembled Passive voice. Present Simple
4 Мы уже обсудили все во когда он пришел на совещание
have discussed Active voice, Past Perfect в главном предложении,
в придаточном came Past Simple, active voice.