Linda got an invitation card while she was playing volleyball at the sport centre. Линда получила приглашение, когда играла в волейбол в спортивном центре.
Marie got an invitation card while she was writing a letter at home. Mэри получила приглашение, когда писала письмо дома.
Pam got an invitation card while she was reading a book.
Пэм получила приглашение, когда читала книгу.
Stuart got an invitation card while he was feeding his cat.
Стюарт получил приглашение, когда кормил своего кота.
Tom got an invitation card while he was playing with his dog.
Том получил приглашение, когда играл со своей собакой.
Luc got an invitation card while he was listening to a CD.
Люк получил приглашение, когда он слушал CD.
Marc got an invitation card while he was taking photos with his a camera. Марк получил пригласительную открытку, когда он делал снимки своим фотоаппаратом.
1. I ..have...already this film (seen). 2. My brother...has..already this news (heard). 3. Wehave already lunch ( had). 4. My friends haveto this artist recently (spoken). 5.I ..have never ... to Paris ( been). 6. My sister has this dress since my wedding (not worn) 7. Wefood yet (have not bought). 8. My brother asleep yet (has not fallen). 9. I ... cold for a long time (have not caught). 10. Have you your certificate? (found) 11. Has your friend his word? (to kept) 12. Have you ever ... to London? (been) 13. What have you ? ( lost) 14. Where have you ? (been) 15. What have you ? (chosen) 16. Who has ? (to left) 17. Who has you such advice? ( given) 18. My colleaguehis car by the end of the month (has sold). 19. My uncle his new book of poetry by the beginning of the year (will have finished). 20. Unfortunately, our manager forgot what he... tons, (had promised) 21. My sister knew that my friendme on the phone so far ( had not reached). 22. Our friends by next summer (hd married) 23. We this matter by next Monday (wiil have thought over). 24. These peopleon our conditions by the evening (will have agreed). 25. No doubt, our parents. us by tomorrow (will have forgive).