ответ: Task 2: 1) Doesn't say. 2) True. 3) Doesn't say. 4) True.
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Такой?: I agree with everything this article said. People should acknowledge the fact that they are responsible for other people's wellbeing too. Sadly, many people don't want to know the truth and try to change this world for better. We need more conscientious people in our world. We also need to spread this information and remind people of this reality.
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Gennady Gennadievich Golovkin. Was born on April 8, 1982 in Karaganda. Kazakh professional boxer. Gennady Golovkin was born on April 8, 1982 in Karaganda in the family of a miner. Father - Gennady Ivanovich - worked at the mine all his life. He started as a mining foreman, graduated as a chief engineer of the Karagandinskaya mine. Golovkin's father died in February 2014. Mother - Elizaveta Sergeevna - worked as a laboratory assistant in a chemical laboratory. He has a twin brother Maxim. Golovkin had two more brothers, but they died in the army under unclear circumstances: Vadim died in 1990, Sergei - in 1994. Gennady and Maxim went to boxing together at the age of 8. We studied at Karaganda vocational school # 1, their first coach was Viktor Konstantinovich Dmitriev. The first coach of Golovkin said: "Gendos and his brother Maxim stood out from the crowd. They were spirited, stubborn and hardworking. The first two or three years I did not let them into the ring at all. Only tactical training and physical education. We played football, basketball, and other games. Three years later, when they had already grown up, I took them to the national championship among youths. Here they gave a heat. Everyone was shocked, they asked me: “Where did you get them from?” And I say: “How from where? ? From Maikuduk ". And then off we go, victories one after another" (Maikuduk - Karaganda region - stuki-druki.com). Gennady Golovkin in childhood.
Геннадий Головкин родился 8 апреля 1982 года в Караганде в семье шахтера. Отец - Геннадий Иванович - всю жизнь проработал на шахте. Началинал с горного мастера, закончил главным инженером шахты "Карагандинская". Отец Головкина умер в феврале 2014 года. Мать - Елизавета Сергеевна - работала лаборантом в химической лаборатории. У него есть брат-двойняшка Максим. У Головкина было еще два брата, но они погибли в армии при невыясненных обстоятельствах: Вадим погиб в 1990 году, Сергей - в 1994-м. На бокс Геннадий и Максим пошли вместе в возрасте 8 лет. Занимались в карагандинской профессиональной школе №1, их первым тренером был Виктор Константинович Дмитриев. Первый тренер Головкина рассказывал: "Гендос со своим братом Максимом выделялись из всей массы. Были духовитые, упертые и трудолюбивые. Первые два-три года я не выпускал их на ринг вообще. Только тактическая подготовка и физкультура. Играли в футбол, баскетбол, другие игровые виды. Спустя три года, когда они уже подросли, я повез их на чемпионат страны среди юношей. Вот они там дали жару. Все были в шоке, у меня спрашивают: "Откуда ты их взял?". А я говорю: "Как откуда? Из Майкудука". А потом пошло-поехало, победы одна за другой"
You'd better not be late for work again or you'll get fired.